School Life
Celebrating Success 2022/2023
It would be all too easy to look back on this previous school year and reflect on the difficulties, challenges, and deep moments of sadness experienced by members of our community but it is through these moments that we have found determination, strength, and courage to continue. In developing our new vision, based securely on Psalm 92. 12-15, we have taken the opportunity to learn about ourselves and each other as we have tackled some of the darkest days that could be faced.
In working together we have grown in resilience, especially amongst leaders who have managed pressures on provision to ensure the impact was minimised for children and barely noticed by our parent body. There have been numerous examples of staff working in a team-focused way, helping to cover absences and provide stability.
We are an inclusive school and must continue to strive for all children and families to become part of our Cannington family. Our cultural background has grown with an unexpected influx of new families from many different backgrounds and this has brought a much-needed diversity and different perspective. Where pupils have special and/or disabilities, inclusion has been maintained at a cost in financial, emotional, and physical ways. This has brought about shifts in thinking for a number of staff and gradually, pupils. This has been supported by the introduction of our new vision and our Managing Relationships Effectively Policy.
- Phonics workshop for parents of Ash Class
- Maths workshop for parents of Ash Class
- Introduction of NTS assessment, years 1-6 in reading and mathematics, supporting teacher assessment and modelling higher expectation (what pupils need to know)
- Introduction of writing assessment tool
- Year 4 weekly violin lessons throughout year, performance to parents
- Sport’s Day
Extended Curriculum
- Drum performance for whole school
- Drum lessons available
- Farmlink providing Harvest Assembly, class visit and chicks to Ash Class
- Natwest Moneysense Workshops for Pine and Rowan ClassesFootball tournament and football matches
- Half termly musical celebration assembly – pupils and staff sharing talents for whole school
- Lantern making workshop – Bridgwater Carnival with Rowan Class
- Pine Class visit to village war memorial – laying wreath
- Rowan Class trip to Shepton Mallet Prison
- Christmas performances, fully inclusive years R – 6
- Crafting afternoon with parents of Ash Class and pupils
- Whole school trip to Pantomime
- Whole school trip to Paignton Zoo
- Worship led by Scout Movement
- English Showcase – parents in to visit Willow Class
- Fire Safety workshops by Fire Service for years 2 and 5
- Rowan Class trip to Taunton Museum
- Pupils in years 2-6 represented school throughout summer term in various sporting tournaments
- Pine Class trip to Walled Gardens
- Oak Class afternoon trip to local park (PTA reward)
- Pine Class visit to Puxton Park
- Poetry workshops in year 6
- Art workshops in year 6
- Year 6 performances of Bugsy Malone to school and families of year 6 pupils
- Big Top Circus Day – years R - 6
- Harvest, Christmas, Easter and Leaver’s Services celebrated at St. Mary’s Church, Cannington
- Weekly worship led by Reverend Alison
- Contributions by community for Harvest Festival at St Mary’s, proceeds to support others
- Inclusion processes embedding, identifying needs and gaining appropriate, external support
- Intervention processes embedding, APDR commonly understood with practice strengthening, effective use of TAs to support this
- Refused EHCP applications were overturned with 2/3 gained, additional 2 gained towards end of summer term with top up funding to meet specific needs
- Tuning into Kids workshops offered to Cannington Parents – Six week workshop completed
- School became part of School’s Mental Health Team project, supporting individual pupils and providing staff CPD in managing bereavement
Spiritual Activity – Taking Action
- Year six pupils ran a ‘Pop Up Tearoom’ in aid of Macmillian
- Pupils and staff supported ‘Christmas Jumper Day’ to raise funds for
- Children’s Council led a ‘Cinema and Snacks’ afternoon in aid of Children in Need
- Two new ELSAs trained and operational
- One TA trained in ILI and working hours available
- New HLTA appointed, CPD undertaken and passed successfully
- Staff vacancies largely filled
- Successful governor recruitment on behalf of foundation and parents
- ELSA x 2
- ILI x1
- Ofsted Preparation (HT and DHT)
- ECT CPD for 1 x 3 terms and 1 x 1 term
- Mentoring ECT training for x 3 teachers
- Maths Mastery CPD – 2 year project
- First Aid – renewal and new staff
- On-line safety CPD – subject leader
- EYFSP training
- Mental Health Lead CPD
- Mental health awareness CPD
- DSL refresher training
- Active and successful PTA providing a range of opportunities for our wider community and raising precious funds to provide memories for pupils including leaver’s event and gifts (Bingo, Quiz and Chips, Christmas and Summer Fairs, Smarties Tube fundraiser, ice lollies, Discos)
- Family picnic following sport’s day