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Cannington C of E Primary School

Diocese of Bath & Wells





Chair                  Emily Tolchard

Vice Chair           Amie Hall

Secretary            Emily Le Maitre

Treasurer            Rachel Parker

Committee Members


Joanne Gunesekera

Vicky Chorley

Lara Dias Felix

Gill Hannaford

Amy Hall

Laura Mann

Claire Nurse

Amy Branson

Gemma Toogood

Who are we and what do we do?

Our PTA is a team of parents and teachers who get together to think of fun ways to raise money for the school through various social and fundraising events. We all joined for the same reasons – we wanted to be involved with our children’s school and offer help wherever we can, we don’t all attend every meeting or help at every event and there isn’t any pressure to do so, we are a team and many other parents come forward to support us when it counts.  We also help maintain links between our school and other village organisations, attending their events and supporting joint fundraising opportunities.  These include St Mary's Church, Cannington Pre-School and Cannington Christmas as well as for special occasions where our whole community come together like the Diamond Jubilee.

Where do we spend the money raised?

All profits raised from PTA-run social and fundraising events are donated to the school to help provide additional facilities and resources for the children.

How can you help?

You most probably already do this by taking part in one of our many social and fundraising events, by donating money for non-school uniform days to buying lollies on the school playground. And for that we thank you. If you wish to get involved with the PTA committee then simply come along to one of our evenings, we don’t expect people to attend every meeting and there is no pressure other than to come along with some enthusiasm and maybe one or two brilliant ideas – there’s always a warm cuppa and usually cake! If you can’t attend and you still have ideas, suggestions, or want to help out at the odd event then please do contact us via the school office. We’d love to hear from you!