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Cannington C of E Primary School

Diocese of Bath & Wells

Grow, flourish, and thrive.

Psalm 98: 12-15

Each life is a precious gift; one to be cherished and nurtured so that all may live knowing they are valued, respected and enabled to flourish in all they do.  We believe we are each created in God’s image and therefore want to enable pupils and staff to benefit from the best possible beginning.  We are guided by Proverbs 22:6 and seek to promote social, emotional, academic and spiritual growth in ways that will positively shape and influence lives both in and beyond our school.


‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it’ Proverbs 22:6


Psalm 89:11 tells us that the heavens and earth belong to God since he created them and in Genesis 2:15 that man was given the task to take care of his creation.   Therefore, we seek to encourage each child and adult in our community to live responsibly, taking care of one another, of all living things and respecting their immediate and wider environment.


‘The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.’ Genesis 2:15


Through acts of worship, RE, and our wider curriculum we aim to build spiritual beings, children and adults who are inspired by the wonder of their world and who understand the difficulties experienced in daily life.  In doing so, we desire that each is compelled to take action in response to all they have seen and heard, guided by the word of God.  We believe that in living in this way each pupil and member of staff will know a rich and deepened life.


‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ John 10:10


Our vision represents a desire to encourage growth and, in feeling secure, valued, responsible and empowered, we believe our pupils and staff will have all they need to flourish in life.


‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’  Jeremiah 29.11